

A venting machine to channel my creative juices through blog posts, video clippings and poetry. Follow the white rabbit @my_shoutbox #NaazFahmida


Pep Talk

Self hugs!

I hate the gym as an institution. Remind me again WHY I would pay to go to a place where nobody smiles and everybody seems to be in pain? Am I crazy or is this world turning us into idiots?! Oh the negative vibe in these places. Unless it’s an emergency like being admitted to a hospital, I would never pay to be in that kind of an unhappy environment.  Continue reading “Self hugs!”

In a relationship (with me)

The biggest existential question that most misfits struggle with is the inability to find people that understands them. That is its foundational crisis. It’s the same crisis that sent me on my journey of self-discovery with yoga.  Continue reading “In a relationship (with me)”

The 4th trimester nobody talks about

I have to admit the number of people who took the time and effort to share their postpartum depression stories with me have been overwhelming. They were friends, family members, people I hadn’t spoken to in the last ten years. Continue reading “The 4th trimester nobody talks about”

In the Name of Love!

Thanks to Deepika Padukone, we can all talk about those fits of depression and anxiety attacks openly. It should have not only been her saving grace for the Vogue campaign gone wrong but also the pre-redemption. So let’s face it and come to terms with this new word that seems to be an integral non-driving force in all of our lives – I have it, 9 out of 10 of you reading this article have it and 9 out of 10 people surrounding us are suffering from it. That taboo with admission and discussion ends here. Continue reading “In the Name of Love!”

Infinitesimal growing dissatisfaction in your stomach…

I was going to say it is exhilarating to put my pen to paper at long last sitting here in one of God’s finest fenced provinces, called Australia, on free earth. But then I paused. That practice has become obsolete. So thoughts on the keyboard it is!

See today I wanted to address the symptom that my profound title attempts to describe. It is a first world problem. But the readers from Bangladesh need not look away as I find that country is infested with far more first-world issues than the first worlds themselves! True story.
quote-it-s-a-funny-thing-but-people-mostly-have-it-backward-they-think-they-live-by-what-they-khaled-hosseini-51-14-30 Continue reading “Infinitesimal growing dissatisfaction in your stomach…”

Pick-me-up 1: Take a selfie. Make a meme.

28 years and many a scar later, if life had taught me anything, it is that no matter how different we look in terms of colour, complexion, race and religion, the journey of our wants and needs came full circle exactly at the same spot. Just like the core message in every religion uncannily rings the same bell, our human emotions across the globe tend to answer the same call. Continue reading “Pick-me-up 1: Take a selfie. Make a meme.”

A Confession

A lot of atrocity, embarrassment, and skeleton-in-the-cupboard make up the 27 years of my life. I often think if I ought to have not witnessed and experienced as much as I have in such a short span of time, but then again, I wonder if I would have been capable of being the person I am today any other way. Continue reading “A Confession”

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