

A venting machine to channel my creative juices through blog posts, video clippings and poetry. Follow the white rabbit @my_shoutbox #NaazFahmida

The Renaissance

We have seasons for a reason right? 

I am really done with the argument of consistency. To show up, every day, with the expectation to be the same person, with the same capacity, when the survival of our entire species is based on change, and our ability to adapt with change. 

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The war, motherhood and a healthy dose of philosophy

I was born during the rise of the neo imperialism – capitalism. The period was fraught with a push for self-actualisation and the finger pointing needle was doing its slow turn back to self. If things were not working out for you, you only had yourself to blame. The push was to ask for what you want. This was part of a periodic short-term amnesia. The world gets tired of blaming others and the naysayers, gurus, motivational speakers, psychologists, science, wellness sector all work tirelessly, in unison, to convince you, the problem is you. If some of them out there can make it, so should you.

But what about penalties and privileges, I dare ask.

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Identity politics in Modi’s India

The current characterisation and caricatures of the Muslims in India makes me cringe. It’s almost like the Modi government has rudely woken up the communities, with their propaganda. It’s as though the rest of India was not aware of the existence of Muslims in each of their ethnic communities – until now. And now that they have, they can focus on nothing else.

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Faith: a postmodernist dilemma of the good natured

Whether it’s religion or history, what people chooses to believe in says a lot about their relationship with themselves. 

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A Separation – in retrospect

When I watched A Separation for the first time I was elated. He really made us pick sides and experience the turbulence of the couple’s marriage as vividly as ours. Beautiful narration. 

Beautiful, yes, but a male narration, nonetheless. 

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In the name of god

I will make my way to the topic at hand – religious intolerance towards minority groups sparked by a series of incidents in South Asia (Bangladesh) as of late. But I’ll ramble my way into the topic, with detours, as I tend to.

The response to incidents of intolerance by the majoritarian side is always defensive. I want to talk about this attitude today. 

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Confessions of an uber-privileged development worker

You’re probably thinking of an entitled brat sitting far away from action pretending and commentating (oh the nerve!) on realities that are not her own. Thankfully, for all parties concerned, nothing could be further from the truth. 

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A review of Jane Austen’s Elizabeth

Some weekends ago while flipping through the latest additions’ list on netflix, my partner halted on the Keira Knightly starrer Pride and Prejudice, and told me an interesting story. Apparently, when we first met, he playfully asked if Pride and Prejudice was my favourite book, given I was a voracious reader, and surely Jane Austen would make it to my top ten. And apparently, I was offended. I had lashed out at him for having made such a suggestion and he couldn’t quite figure out the reason behind my response. 

Continue reading “A review of Jane Austen’s Elizabeth”

Not Made in Heaven

In South Asian societies the education or profession of a woman matters little. When you rip open that fancy packaging, they all bleed from the same tragedy. Continue reading “Not Made in Heaven”

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